
Thursday, July 29, 2010

things to do before i die.

ever had a list of things u wanna do or try before u're dead?

here's mine.

  1. facial piercing.
  2. tattoo.
  3. sky diving.
  4. learn to swim. lol.
  5. drift?
  6. direct a movie..maybe a short film..or at least be a part of its production.
  7. bungee jump?
  8. attend beer fest. in Europe?
  9. visit at least 20 countries. lol. i wish
  10. climb Mt. Kinabalu.
  11. drive @ 200km/h.
  12. 5 digits salary
  13. magic mushroom
  14. have a house in HK. xD
  15. dont die from anything that is mentioned above.

well, im just bored.


did a little slide on photos of my foundation classmates.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Not Dead...Yet

recent works

a car sticker design for friend's small little group


did this back then..its up for

seniors pages did for friends studying Form6 in SMK Seafield
kinda minimalistic tho.

finally update the blog.

nah..jasmine..i update d.