
Thursday, July 29, 2010

things to do before i die.

ever had a list of things u wanna do or try before u're dead?

here's mine.

  1. facial piercing.
  2. tattoo.
  3. sky diving.
  4. learn to swim. lol.
  5. drift?
  6. direct a movie..maybe a short film..or at least be a part of its production.
  7. bungee jump?
  8. attend beer fest. in Europe?
  9. visit at least 20 countries. lol. i wish
  10. climb Mt. Kinabalu.
  11. drive @ 200km/h.
  12. 5 digits salary
  13. magic mushroom
  14. have a house in HK. xD
  15. dont die from anything that is mentioned above.

well, im just bored.


did a little slide on photos of my foundation classmates.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Not Dead...Yet

recent works

a car sticker design for friend's small little group


did this back then..its up for

seniors pages did for friends studying Form6 in SMK Seafield
kinda minimalistic tho.

finally update the blog.

nah..jasmine..i update d.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Videos i've did

Both videos are done when im still in FCD. Both are finals for History of Art & Design. Enjoy =)

Brief for this video is to combine a piece of old painting with a modern object to make an advert.

Brief for this is combine 2 modern art movement to make a new art out of it.

I prefer the first video more than the second. What u think?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


What is a flowchart?

Flow chart is a diagram/system that comes with steps for one to follow. Arrows in the flowchart are to guide one from a step to another. In flowchart there is a "start" and an "end". Other than that short description are used to simplify the chart. A flowchart usually starts from top to bottom. Some flowcharts can be never ending because it gives us the choice to restart.

Why do you want to use flowchart in your mobile interface design & screen interface design?

It is because flowchart can be use as a user test for my mobile & screen interface design. By using this chart i can see the system of my design and wont get confuse/not clear with the design. Further add-ons/enhancements can be made after analyzing the flowchart.

How will it help your users to meet the interactive goal?

The steps that the user will go through while navigating the interface will be clear. No confusions are present. Everything will be listed out and thats how it helps the users. Steps can be repeated again and again.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

which is better?



jail themed icon set.

which is better?
with the symbols in the middle or without?
please do vote @ poll or leave a comment on cbox

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


10 gay metaphor ways to describe myself

1. as lazy as the laziest thing on earth.
2. as crazy as a frog
3. as annoying as an orange
4. as lame as "why chicken cross the road"
5. as blur as morning mist
6. as blank as paper (sometimes)
7. as playful as a kid
8. as forgetful as an elephant
9. as simple as 1+1
10. as tall as 179cm (out of idea)